17 October 2010

Book Writing Software


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 Description: Let NewNovelist software help you complete a novel. Quick to install, easy to use. NewNovelist works in the same way that JK Rowling writes her Harry Potter novels.

NewNovelist has been enjoyed by over 51,000 people in more than 60 countries, and is supported by an established company, that provides support as you need it and when you need it.

Write the way you think..

NewNovelist enables you to move backwards and forwards through the process and storyline at will.

You don’t have to start at the beginning and keep going until you reach the end, so you can develop characters as they occur to you and build rich scenes whenever such detail comes to your mind.

You can even write the ending first if you like – and this means that you can write in the same way that you think, dancing from idea to idea, in an intuitive rather than formulaic manner.

No more rifling through cuttings and notes...

NewNovelist provides you with templates on which you stretch and form your characters and scenes. So you just have to have the image in your mind of who is in your story, and where the story takes place.

NewNovelist will coax the detail out of you and store it in a useable and accessible format, which means that you don’t need to rifle through cuttings files and notebooks to find things that occurred to you three months ago.

You can use all of these “mental sketches” in your writing when you hit the right point in your story. So your story is likely to be much richer, as it will contain every idea that you develop, and is much more likely to be a piece of creative writing that will be published - or at least something to be proud of with your family and friends. Newnovelist book writing software can really help organise the way you write.

The tuition system

The core of the tuition employed by NewNovelist is that used by the leading UK creative writing course at the University of East Anglia (which is the leading university for creative writing in the UK) - so you know that you can trust this product to provide you with credible advice. This also means that you don’t need to study the well analysed structure of literary theory, but can benefit from it immediately. As a consequence, your novel is likely to be that much richer, more readable and compelling – without losing any of the originality of your thought process.

NewNovelist will present your manuscript in a format that is ready to show your publisher

NewNovelist automatically generates the final copy into a format that is expected by literary agents and publishers, so that when you have finished your manuscript, you will be able to overcome the first hurdle in gaining literary acceptance - structure.

You don’t need to investigate the technical requirements laid down by the industry, you can just submit your manuscript with confidence that it will not be rejected up front, simply on the grounds of presentation.

Helps you start quickly, but enables you to write at your own pace

There is built in help at every single step of the way, which means that you will not have to read a manual before you start but can learn as you go along – reading where you need help, and moving forward quickly where you don’t. This means that you can go ahead at your own pace, with confidence that help is available should you need it.

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