28 September 2010

Advanced Toys Children GER

Jakarta - If you want to buy sophisticated toys to children should think again. Toys like that according to psychologists it can be dangerous.
Teddy could talk, laptops toddler and infant interactive game others may be very attractive to children. However, this toy can be bad.
The doctor says the toys can cause sensory overload and shortened attention span of children.
More than 20% of toys in circulation today have electronic components and ironically into the list of most desired toys of children, according to market research group GFK OzToys.
Royal Australian College physicist, John Wray said such toys are indeed to entertain children, but do not help them develop their imagination and social skills.
Children who play with electronic gadgets will lose their valuable interaction with other people, he added.
Wray said the children are very sensitive to sensory overload from too long to play this electronic toy.
Psychologist Irina Verenikina say this toy should not be used in children.
"If it is too often used, these toys can replace a parent communication where this is very bad," said Verenikina.
In contrast, Beverly Jenkin of the Australian Toy Association, said demand for these toys is a natural reflection of our world.
"Parents think the toy is very helpful, but very damaging because we do not prepare children to face the real world," said Verenikina. [Ito] This information is taken from inilah.com

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